Sunday, June 18, 2017

ICAST 2017 Open July 11th

ICAST is now just a few short weeks away.  If you have not already made your hotel reservation you may not get a room close to the show. The main show will be in the west concourse with the on-water exhibit being held the first time this year in the north side of the north/south concourse. Buses will be used to transport attendees from the west to the south concourse. Next year ICAST will move from the west concourse to the north/south concourse.

Keep in mind that ICAST, the world's largest sport fishing trade show, at the Orlando, Orange County Convention Center on I-Drive is a closed show.  It is not open to the general public. Click HERE for the ICAST show schedule.

Each year over 13,000 sport fishing buyers, store owner,  media and sport fishing celebrities gather for the three-day sport fishing experience.  The ICAST Cup will still be held on Lake Toho.

Until next time, be safe in the sun and have a great day in the great outdoors.

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