Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Do Not Die On The Mountain

I just happen to be a regular reader of the CNN website. Today there has been an update to a previous article about climbers who have gone missing on Mount Rainier in Mount Rainier National Park.  Here is LINK to the article. Reading about this tragedy reminds me of how easy it is to underestimate the risk all outdoor enthusiast take when venturing out into the great outdoors. I am afraid we all take the risk way too lightly. Back in the 1970s I was stationed at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, Alaska. Being an avid hiker of the Appalachian Mountains, my assignment to Alaska was a great opportunity to get out into the great mountains that were a short drive from my family quarters on base. Anchorage's Flat Top Mountain trail head was a short 20 minute drive from my driveway. Through one of my gym buddies I learned about the Alaska Rescue Group.  Today the AMRG is an all volunteer organization dedicated to rescuing people in the mountains of Alaska.  
It did not take me long to join up. We practiced mountain rescue techniques on the weekend on the mountain slopes around Anchorage.  

Don't die on the mountain cannot be understated. The photos below are from a real life rescue where a school teacher who recently moved to Anchorage went on an afternoon hike on a mountain south of Anchorage. His body was found at the deposition zone at the bottom of an avalanche. He was totally unprepared for his hike that turned out to be a disaster. He was under dressed. He did not carry any emergency equipment. Today with the globe covered by GPS satellites hikers and mountaineers should never be out of touch from where they are. Recreational Equipment (REI) carries personal GPS trackers.  Taking one of these on any back country adventure will greatly reduce the risk of dying on the mountain when you do not show up back at the trail head. I know cell phones are great but cell reception can be really limited off the beaten path. 

Before venturing out do your homework. There are many good books on mountain and avalanche safety. In addition to books, there are also websites dedicated to mountain safety. Mountain Safety Info is an international knowledge base with very good information about avalanches. The Mountain Rescue Association has an online course for those who are interested in their approach of mountain rescue. And Mountain Education might also interest you. Being safe in the great outdoors is so important to you and your family. Be sure to use a checklist. Here is a LINK to a very good check list from Backpacker Magazine. Magazines like Backpacker are a great resource because they cover seasonal topics all year long. 

No matter if you are a flat lander or a seasoned hiker or  mountaineer being prepared for your next trip into the mountains is so important.

So until next time, be safe in the sun and have a great day in the great outdoors. 

Monday, June 29, 2020

ICAST 2020 Online July 13-17

It is that time of the year. The International Conventions of Allied Sportfishing Trades show is coming online this year. Wow, this is going to be an adventure. COVID-19 has caused the Orange County Convention Center to cancel all the trade shows for most of this year. ICAST was  one of the outdoor sports trade shows to fall victim to COVID-19. Having been to ICAST for the past ten years, there is no way you can out thousands of attendees and fishing sport brand exhibitors together and not be concerned with the Coronavirus being a big problem. As of today, Florida is experiencing and surge of new virus cases breaking daily records. 

This is the perfect time to have an online trade show. There is no way can attendees keep their social distance and get up close and personal with new fishing products. 

The ICAST show will be composed of virtual booths where exhibitors will present their new products and services, host virtual press conferences, and schedule live on-demand product demonstrations. Buyers can even set up virtual meetings. This year's ICAST is going to be a blast. I can see media blokes like myself sitting at my computer with snacks and a cold one visiting far more booths than I could ever do over the five day period walking the floor. It is going to be fun. Please check back after the  https://icastfishing.org/ICAST Virtual show is over to see what's new for 2021. 

Until next time, be safe in the sun and have a great day in the great out doors. 

Bonafide Kayaks Merge With Big Adventures Native Watercraft, Liquidlogic Kayaks and Hurricane Aquasports

I purchased my first kayak back in 2004. Wow, that was 16 years ago. It was a Wilderness Systems Tarpon 140 fishing kayak. I still have it today.  Since that time, I added a Tarpon 120 for my wife and I won a Ocean Kayak Prowler 13 Angler at the Jacksonville Kayak Fishing Tournament when the tournament was still taking place. Over the past few years, the Florida hurricane season has done a bang up job interfering with sport fishing and surfing tournaments coming to Florida. Throw in COVID-19 this year and the entire outdoor trade season changes from walking the Orange County Convention Center floor to sitting at your computer cruising all the outdoor recreation brands' websites.  

So where does that take us today? Well it gives us the opportunity to learn about new products by surfing the the internet and attending online trade shows. International Conventions of Allied Sportfishing Trades ICAST and the Summer Outdoor Retailer will have their shows online in a virtual format. 

Many of the major kayak fishing brands have consolidated. One of the big consolidations took place last year when Big Adventures' Native Watercraft, Liquidlogic Kayaks, Hurricane Aquasports merged with Bonafide KayaksThe coming together of these brands makes the innovation of fishing kayaks more exciting for future buyers. When the July 2020 ICAST virtual Trade Show opens in a few weeks, there will be great news coming from these kayak brands. Please come back later next month to learn more about what's new for the 2021 kayak fishing season.  

Until next time, be safe in the sun and have a great day in the great outdoors. 

Saturday, June 27, 2020

WNC, Naturally - Blue Ridge Mountain Guided Hikes

It seems that I have not posted in years. My last post was in August of 2019.  I feel that I have been in the fog. 

Since the COVID-19 has spread all across America and is spiking in the southern states, I have been keeping my distance here in Florida from almost everyone I come in contact with. One of my bright spots other than blitzing tv shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime, is I get to keep up with my Air Force buddy Scott Dean.  Scott is a professional naturalist who lives in Waynesville, NC in Haywood County.  Scott is an subject matter expert on the flora of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  He teachers classes each flower season and conducts guided hiking tours. If you are interested in this classes and one of his guided hiking tours just visit WNC Naturally on Facebook. Scott also has a personal Facebook page where he posts lots of his great fauna and flora photos. 

So if you have been cooped up in your home and need to get out, how about a trip to the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Be sure while traveling to keep safe from COVID-19 by following the CDC guidelines for travelers. 

Until next time, be safe in the sun and have a great day in the great outdoors.